Ariel Knights Gives Birth To Healthy Baby Girl, Sues Abortion Clinic For Not Doing Their Job

22-year-old Ohio woman Ariel Knights gave birth to a daughter in September, however she is suing the abortion clinic she went to for not doing their job.

Knights went to the Akron Women's Medical Group in order to have an abortion because she believed her own life was in danger from the pregnancy. Two weeks after visiting the abortion clinic Ariel Knights was taken to the emergency room for stomach pains. Once there Knights learned she was still pregnant.

Ariel Knights tried to visit another abortion clinic but found that no doctor would fix the "mistake" made by another clinic.

Ariel Knights calls her daughter a "miracle baby." When knights first learned she was pregnant her doctors said she was in grave danger because her baby was growing in a weak uterus. Knights made the difficult decision to terminate her pregnancy and went to the clinic in March of 2012.

The Daily Mail has the details of Knights' experience at the abortion clinic. She describes the scene in the clinic as packed, with women standing smashed up against the wall. To the workers at the Akron Women's Medical Group it was a routine day.

Knights described hearing the constant call of "next" as if she were in a "slaughterhouse." When it was Knights' turn she was instructed to sit on a table and place the lower half of her body over a trash bag.

When Ariel Knights woke up she was handed her belongings, told everything went well and she could leave.

A few days later when Knights was in the hospital speaking with her regular doctor he said to her, "Oh my goodness, honey, you're still pregnant." "My fiancé and I were kind of in shock, " She told the Beacon Journal.

After her trip to the emergency room Knights called the AWMG to get an explanation but the abortion clinic denied any wrongdoing.

After another clinic refused to perform the abortion Ariel Knights decided to keep the baby, despite the danger of her medical condition. The fear her life could end while she was giving birth never left Knights' mind.

Ariel Knights has uterine didelphys, which is a genetic disorder resulting in a woman having 2 uterus'. Knights first learned of her disorder when she was pregnant with her son. She carried her son in her left uterus, which is much stronger. Her daughter however was being carried in the weaker right uterus.

Knights told the Beacon Journal she was scarred and stressed not knowing what would happen. Her daughter was born healthy in September 2012. Ariel Knights came through the delivery with no issues.

Despite the joy she feels at having her healthy baby girl, Ariel Knights is still suing the abortion clinic for emotional distress. She is looking to collect $25,000 in unspecified damages.

The Beacon Journal asked Ariel Knights if she ever thinks about what would have happened if the clinic had done their job? She told the journal,

"That's a sore subject to think about, I mean it's just hard thinking she's here and thinking, if they would have done their's just something I don't like to think about."

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