Magic Johnson’s Son Seen Walking Hand in Hand With Another Man, TMZ Reports Parents are Proud

EJ Johnson is the son of Los Angeles Lakers legend and L.A Dodgers owner Magic Johnson. EJ was photographed and interviewed by TMZ as he walked hand in hand with another man down the Sunset Strip.

TMZ is reporting that the man walking with Magic Johnson's son is EJ's boyfriend. There has been no confirmation about that. TMZ asked Johnson about the Dodgers and the Lakers but not about the man walking by his side.

TMZ also says that they interviewed Magic Johnson who told the entertainment magazine, "My wife cookie and I love EJ and support him in everyway. We are very proud of him."

That is not an outright confirmation that the man Johnson was walking with was his boyfriend. Parents always say they are proud of their children and Magic Johnson could have been talking about a number of different things.

There are reports all over the web that Magic Johnson's son has been hiding his sexuality and is now admitting he is openly gay. There are also reports commending Magic Johnson for supporting his son, despite his status in the sports world.

The world of sports has not quiet caught up to the rest of the world in supporting gay players on teams. Some individual players have come out in support of gay marriage and equal rights. But on the whole the sports world is still seen as belonging to the macho man.

In answer to the TMZ reporter's question about the Dodgers EJ Johnson said he was "hoping and praying" the team has a good season.  

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