Evan Ebel Mistakenly Let Out Of Jail Early And Electric Monitor Bracelet Stopped Working Days Before The Alleged Murder Of Colorado's Prison Chief Tom Clements And Domino's Deliver Driver Nathan Leon

Five days before Evan Ebel is suspected of killing Colorado's prisons chief and Domino's delivery driver, his electronic monitoring bracelet stopped working and was reportedly let out of jail too early in January.

According the Daily News, parole officers reportedly went to Ebel's home and noticed he'd taken a large amount of clothing and apparently fled, just hours before Colorado's prison chief, Tom Clements, was shot and killed.

After a warrant was out to arrest Ebel, a car chase and shootout ensued, which Ebel was shot and killed in the end.

Judicial officials acknowledged Monday that Ebel's previous felony conviction was inaccurately recorded and his release in January was an error before the error of the electric bracelet, the Associated Press reported.

Court officials failed to notify the state Department of Corrections that Ebel was supposed to serve two consecutive four-year terms for assaulting a prison guard, so the department let him out early, CNN reported.

"Clerical error ain't going to bring my husband back," deliveryman Nathan Leon's widow, Katherine Leon, told CNN affiliate KUSA. "[It] ain't going to bring Tom Clements back. It's not going to bring my children's father back. How do I tell my 4-year-old (that) daddy was murdered because of a clerical error?"

Authorities suspect that Ebel is a "strong connection" of the murder of Leon, who was found dead in suburban Golden, Colo. after Clements death.

Colorado court officials have also vowed to review procedures to ensure that a clerical mistake that allowed the early release of a prisoner - who then went on to allegedly shoot the state's corrections director last month - doesn't happen again.

Judicial officials acknowledged Monday that Evan Spencer Ebel's previous felony conviction was inaccurately recorded and his release in January was an error.

Leon's mother-in-law, Bernadette Alness, told KUSA that someone should "stand up and be accountable."

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