Princess A Suspect In Embezzlement Case: Spain’s Princess Christina To Face Judge

The daughter of Spain's King Juan Carlos, Princess Christina is a suspect in an embezzlement case centered on her husband Inaki Urdangarin.

A judge named the princess a suspect in the case and she must now testify about her involvement in her husband's alleged illegal activities. The princess will testify on April 27 at a court in Palma on the Mediterranean Island of Mallorca.  

The princess' husband has been called before a judge for allegedly embezzling money from a non-profit charity he was the chair of from 2004-2006. The court is also questioning Urdangarin's business partner Diego Torres. No criminal charges have been filed yet.

The 47-year-old suspected Princess is seventh in line to the Spanish throne. Her husband Inaki Urdangarini is a former Olympic handball champion. When the case was opened in 2011 the princess was not named a suspect and seemed to avoid having to testify in the case.

Based on emails and other evidence, a Spanish judge now believes the Princess may have been more involved in her husband's illegal activities than previously believed. Urdangarin had hoped to keep his royal wife from being dragged into the case.

Urdangarin's business partner Torres is the one who gave the judge the emails, which made the princess a suspect. The emails were later leaked to the Spanish press.

In the emails Urdangarin regularly asks his wife for advice and help in his day-to-day operations. He also asks the princess to use her various royal connects to get more donations for his charity. A charity he now stands accused of swindling money from.

The judge said that he wants to hear what the suspected princess has to say about the emails. The princess was also a member of the board for her husband's charity. The judge said not hearing her testimony would "discredit the maxim that justice is equal for all."

This is the first time a member of the Spanish Royal family has been called to appear before a court under suspicion of illegal activity.

The Spanish royal family has made no public comment regarding the accusations.

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