Cell Phone Turns 40 On April 3 And Here's A Look At The Evolution Of The Cell Phone

April 3, 2013 marked the 40th year anniversary to the debut of the cell phone.

Happy 40th birthday to the cell phone. Where would the world be without you?

Martin Cooper made the first cell phone, which over the span of the past four decades has revolutionized into one of the most successful businesses.

The former Motorola vice president and division manager made the call on the company's DynaTAC phone while standing in front of the New York Hilton on Sixth Avenue. His first call: to the head of research at Bell Labs, which also had been racing to build the first cellphone, according to CNET.

Cooper is co-founder of numerous successful communications companies with his wife and business partner Arlene Harris; also known as the "first lady of wireless," according to the New York Times. He is currently co-founder and Chairman of Dyna LLC, in Del Mar, California. Cooper also sits on committees supporting the Federal Communications Commission and the United States Department of Commerce.

Thirty-three years later, a slightly more theatrical Steve Jobs dialed a Starbucks cafe in San Francisco to order 4,000 lattes, making the first public phone call from the very first iPhone while a hushed auditorium filled with journalists watched, according to NBC News.

By 2017, Cisco believes there will be more than 10 billion mobile devices around the world, with video accounting for 66 percent of all traffic.

Phones already existed for a long time, but the invention of the cell phone allowed somebody to no longer use a house-phone or a pay-phone. You were able to take the phone on the road.

Now, users can text with other users, video-chat, surf the web, take high-def photos and videos, use apps and much, much more.   

Every year, the cell phone is more equipped with more gadgets to better fit the needs of the people. Today, there is more and more competition to sell cell phones.

The iPhone from Apples and the Galaxy from Samsung compete for the top spot every year, and the competition amongst one another and other competitors has made a better phone for the consumer.

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