Pasha P183 Dies: Russian Street Artist Dubbed 'Russian Banksy' Mysteriously Dies at Just 29 [PHOTO]

Pasha P183, known as "Russian Banksy" died at the young age of 29 on Monday in Moscow.

Pasha P183 cause of death remains unknown however has been confirmed by Teatralnoye Delo theatrical production that has recently commissioned the artist to create scenery for its upcoming musical named "Todd."

Pasha P183 began with painting graffiti in the street much like British artist Banksy and the late Keith Haring. Maintaining his anonymity and for his bold style in his artistry.

The street artist is most known for his painting on the ground in a snow-covered yard, featuring a giant pair of glasses, along with a lamppost that was placed to give the impression as an arm.

Another piece of work that showed chocolate bars painted on a panel of concrete, he previously described it was to reflect the abhorrence of the commercialization of both art and life.

"I wanted that work to carry the most important message ... that a person mustn't sell himself," he said in a rare interview posted on last year. "I made a chocolate bar that can't be bought, using a giant panel of concrete."

Regina Vartsan, spokeswoman for Teatralnoye Delo described Pasha P183 on Wednesday as a "sincere and open person of remarkable talent and unique vision," according to Associated Press.

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