Carnival Ship: Overboard Guard Still Missing After Triumph Breaks Free From Port

The Carnival Triumph seems unable to catch a break as the disabled ship breaks free from the port in Mobile, Alabama on Wednesday. Crews are searching for a missing shipyard worker whose guard shack was blown into the water because of the strong winds.

Local reports say at the time Carnival Triumph broke loose because of high winds, two men fell into the water. It was two shipyard workers that fell into the water. The missing man works for BAE Systems that runs a ship-repair operation on the Mobile River.

National Weather Service reported of winds between 35 and 65 mph blowing through the area on Wednesday afternoon.

Carnival Cruise Line spokesman Vance Gulliksen says the Triumph was secured as of 5 p.m. Wednesday.

"We recovered one person. He was taken to the hospital. He will be fine, the only thing he's suffering from is mild hypothermia," said Steve Huffman, spokesman for the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department.

The ship drifted and is resting against a cargo vessel, according to Gulliksen.

"There are tug vessels that are in the process of stabilizing the Triumph," said Bill Colclough Petty Officer 2nd Class, adding it was unclear how far the ship drifted before coming to a rest.

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