Walt Disney Layoffs Already Began And Will Continue, A Source Says: Which Areas Will The Cuts Be Made At The World Famous Company?

Walt Disney to be cutting jobs in a few weeks, some even layoffs started already, sources told Reuters.

"The studio job cuts will center on the marketing and home video units and include a small number from the animation wing, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the plans had not been made public," the Reuters report said.

The sources said that Disney started to debate these cuts a year ago. Disney reportedly was conducting an internal cost-cutting review to identify cutbacks in jobs it no longer needs because of improvements in technology.

Disney started with layoffs on Wednesday. The layoffs came at LucasArts games studio that Disney inherited with the acquisition of George Lucas' film company in 2012, which focuses on the "Star Wars" brand. The 30-year-old studio lost employees Wednesday.

About 200 people were let go by Disney from Disney Interactive video game last year, as the company moved away from console games to focus on online and mobile entertainment. An additional 100 staffers have been laid off in two cuts since, according to the Reuters report.

Last year, Disney moved its operations from New York to Burbank, Calif. The company restructured its consumer product unit and made cuts within the publishing department. 

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