2 Dead In Quebec Day Care Shooting

An unidentified man shot and killed another unnamed man before turning the gun on himself, leaving 2 people dead at a Quebec day care center on Friday.

Authorities in Quebec responded to a call saying a man with a shotgun was at the day care threatening people. The Racines De Vie Montessori day care center is operated from two homes. When the police arrived at the day care they found one man in each home dead from shotgun wounds.

There were 53 children at the day care center that day. The police believe some of children bore witness to the death of the 2 men. Police Chief Mario Harel told reporters, "It's a small are, it's a close space. For sure they would have been witness to the event."

Terrified parents rushed to the day care to get their children. The authorities in Quebec were worried Canada was going to suffer a tragedy similar the U.S. elementary school shooting in Connecticut last December.

A parent of a 3-year-old girl who was at the day care spoke with reporters. Omar Eltalawi said, "It was horrible. You see these things on the news and you don't expect it to happen to you."

None of the 53 children staying at the day care were injured. The Police believe the 2 dead men may have been involved in a domestic dispute involving a recently separated couple. The first victim was an employee of the day care. The police did not give any further information then that, about the 2 dead men.

Canada is not known for having many high profile shooting like the United States. Canadian gun laws are much more restrictive. There are significantly fewer gun owners in Canada than there are in the United States.

According to gunpolicy.org 9,950,000 civilians in Canada own personal firearms. That number is considerably less then the 270,000,000 civilians in the United States that own guns.

The investigation is still on going. The Quebec police are working to figure out the circumstances leading up to Friday's day care shooting.

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