Dog Eats $500 That Belongs To His Owner And That Owner Wants His Money Back From The Federal Government

A dog ate $500 worth of money that belonged to its owner in Montana.

"I thought 'You dumb SOB,' I couldn't believe he did that," Wayne Klinkel, the owner of Sundance, the dog that ate the $500 said to Independent Record.

Klinkel and his wife had left the $500 and golden retriever in his truck during a road trip, along with a $1, according to the Associated Press. The $1 survived the munching of the canine.

"Sundance is notorious for eating anything and everything, so right away I knew what happened," the owner of the dog told Independent Record. "I pretty much recovered two fairly complete bills, and had some other pieces ... But it wasn't nearly enough there to do anything with it."

Klinkel is now trying to be reimbursed by the federal government and said he has a legit argument to get the $500 back.

Sundance did digest the "food" and released it, naturally. Besides the pieces Klinkel recovered, his daughter, Coty, was able to almost piece together what was missing.

"She said 'Oh, Dad, look what Coty found in the back yard.' They found it after the snow had melted. She said they were shocked it hadn't blown away. Good thing it's a fenced yard," Klinkel said.

The family attempted to get the money back from the bank but have to go through the federal government to possibly be reimbursed.

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