Louis CK Tells Struggling Performers Hungry For Success 'Give It A Minute': Comedian Discusses His New HBO Special And The Power Of No

Louis CK spoke out about the impatience of many modern day musicians and comedians in a New York Times interview published on Thursday.

"If you're new at this-and by new at it I mean 15 years in, or even 20-you're just starting to get traction," Louis CK said. "Young musicians believe they should be able to throw a band together and be famous, and anything that's in their way is unfair and evil. What are you, in your 20s, you picked up a guitar? Give it a minute."

CK, who could be the greatest comedian in the world right now, and undeniably scores a slot in the top five with Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock, also discussed his new standup special "Oh My God," which airs this Saturday on HBO.

Coming on the heels of the huge success of Louis's last comedy special "Live at the Beacon Theater" which CK self- sold through his website, the comedian admitted he was in the position to ask the network for a lot.

"One of the reasons I did the last special that way is because nobody wanted it," Louis said. "But this time HBO came to me. And I had this great situation because I didn't need anybody. So everything that I asked for, they let me have. HBO is the Yankees of stand-up comedy specials, and it'll be good for FX. What HBO is doing to promote this stuff is beyond anything. They're going to have a giant billboard on Sunset Boulevard. I'm going to be in Times Square. I'm going to be on buses. It's making me a little sick."

CK was even able to get HBO to let him release "Oh My God" through his website later this year, a concession practically unheard of in the entertainment business.

"Another reason I was willing to do [the special] there was because I had told them I have to be able to sell it on my site," Louis said. "At first HBO was like, 'We can't do that.' And I said, 'Well, let's not do it then.' The power I had was to be able to keep saying: 'I'll do it myself. I do not need you.' They took a while on that one."

CLICK HERE to read the entire Louis CK New York Times interview.

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