Roger Ebert Funeral Protest Doesn't Happen: No Sign Of Protesters From Westboro Baptist Church Who Vowed To Picket Monday Service

Roger Ebert's funeral passed free of protest or disruption Monday, as the film critic who died last week at the age of 70 after an extended battle with cancer, was laid to rest in Chicago.

Members of the congregation of the Westboro Baptist Church who vowed to protest the funeral were nowhere to be found, according to the Epoch Times.

"[Roger] would have loved this," His widow, Chaz Ebert said at the film critic's wake according to the Chicago Tribune. "He would have loved the majesty of it. He would have loved everything about it. He would have loved (that) we're all here for him."

"He had a heart big enough to accept and love all," she added.

The Westboro Church planned to picket Ebert's funeral because of a tweet the late film critic sent out on March 25 of an excerpt from the book "Does Jesus Really Love Me? A Gay Christian's Pilgrimage in Search of God in America."

The book's author Jeff Chu, a gay man, spent a day at Westboro as part of his research.

Ebert tweeted the link twice, with the message "One more day at the Westboro Baptist church."

"American entertainment industry publicity leech Roger Ebert took to Twitterverse to mock the faithful servants of God at Westboro Baptist Church, just days before he received the horrifying summons," reads a press release the congregation released Saturday that called for the funeral protest.

The release called the film critic a "f*g enabler."

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who attended the funeral, described Roger Ebert as "the most American of American critics in the most American of American cities," to NBC news.

"Roger was able to bring the spirit of American film alive," Emanuel said.

"He had a great generosity of spirit. He was generous in size, generous in style, and he had a generous heart," said former "Siskel and Ebert" producer Thea Flaum. "He was kind and thoughtful, he was always eager to look at the work of young new filmmakers and support what they were doing."

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