Best Female Performance Category Missing At MTV Movie Awards!...Sexist or For Ratings?

The 2013 MTV Awards aired tonight, noticeably forgetting about a very important category: Best Female Performance. The award was among two other categories suspiciously left out: Scared As Sh**, and Best Duo.

Twitter is heating up, questioning this strange mishap:

Zach ‏@OriginalZDR tweeted, "The MTV Movie Awards better show Best Female Actress or this will be the most sexist award show since the Women's Suffrage Movement."

Sarah Boyette ‏@Adrelaa wrote, "The MTV movie awards are really awkward and sexist this year"

D. Kyle ‏@imp3rial1 said, "So Jennifer Lawrence won Best Female Performance for the MTV Movie Awards, but it didn't air because she wasn't there to collect. SO SAD."

Besides being the most boring, unsophisticated award show of the season, MTV can now add sexist to the list of negative attributes that it possesses.

It seems very uncharacteristic of a movie award show to completely leave out the actresses, but on the MTV Movie Awards, acting and talent aren't the main focus.

MTV probably was thinking the show was running out of time and the other categories were more interesting.  Since the obvious Best Female Performance, Jennifer Lawrence, was noticibly absent from the event, MTV most likely thought it would be more beneficial to keep goofy antics and ridiculous awards such as "Best WTF Scene," and "Best Performance Without A Shirt" than taking time to announce a note-worthy female award.

The ballsy move was probably a good one on MTV's part.  The unrefined show draws a young crowd that is more concerned with Taylor Lautner's six pack than actual movie performances. By skipping these three awards, MTV had more precious time to have  jokes with Seth Rogan pulling down his pants next to Zac Efron, and host Rebel Wilson cracking a "joke" about body image while pulling down her dress to show two fake nipples. 

Selena Gomez's weak "Bollywood" performance and presenters that have nothing to do with movies or music (Kim Kardashian), only add to the immature, primitive nature of the MTV three hour long show. 

Do you think it's ok for MTV to toss out legit awards whenever they feel like it, or should they have kept the best actress category even if it appealed less to its viewers?

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