Woman Makes 911 Call Asking For Divorce [VIDEO]

Around 1am Saturday morning a woman placed a call to 911 asking for a divorce. When the woman spoke to the 911 operator she asked that the state police come to her home in Girard Township, Pennsylvania.

When police arrived at the home of the 42-year-old unidentified woman she told them she called 911 because she wanted a divorce and needed the police to make her husband leave the house.

The police explained to the woman who called 911 asking for a divorce that it was a civil case not a criminal case. The police also explained they could not remove the man from the house because he committed no crime.

The woman was charged with disorderly conduct for using the federal 911 system to ask for a divorce.

Calling 911 to get a divorce is not the strangest reason a person has called the police. There are plenty of weird stories floating around the internet about people calling 911 for all kinds of crazy and hilarious reasons.

Here are a few of those stories:

A woman called 911 from the drive thru of a Burger King complaining that she ordered her food three times but the restaurant workers had not served her yet. The she went on to complain that the western bacon cheeseburger that she ordered was not made properly. The 911 dispatcher asked the woman what exactly she wanted and the woman said she wanted officers to come down and get her the right food.

"Ma'am we're not going to go down there and enforce your western bacon cheeseburger," the dispatcher told the angry woman.

In a story that makes you want to say "aww" a 4-year-old boy called 911 and asked the operator to help him with his math homework. The boy explained he was doing "take aways" and needed help.

Instead of becoming angry with the child the 911 operator helped him with his homework. At the end of the phone call the boy's mother asks him what he is doing. The 4-year-old tells his mom the "policeman is helping me with my math...you said if I need help call someone."

"I didn't mean the police," the mother yelled.

In another story that seems like something Family Guy's Peter Griffin would do, a woman called the police because she locked herself in her car. In the 911 recording the woman explains her car won't start and she can't open the doors. It is possible that this could have turned into a real emergency if the car began to heat up.

911 is there for criminal and medical emergencies, so think before you dial.

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