Will Ferrell 2013 MTV Movie Awards Speech - Aubrey Plaza Crashes! MTV Planned Stunt, Or Was Farrell Caught Off Guard?

At the 2013 MTV Movie Awards last night, while Will Ferrell received a Comic Genius Award and was in the middle of a hilarious speech, Actress Aubrey Plaza awkwardly interrupted his jokes by walking up on stage trying to steal his Golden Popcorn statue.

The MTV Movie Awards and Video Music Awards are famous for stunts that are supposed to seem surprising, like Sacha Baron Cohen dropping from the sky in Eminem's lap, or Jim Carrey accepting an award dressed like a hippie. Nearly all of them have seemed scripted, or at least highly orchestrated by MTV, who wants to make huge morning headlines.

The one giant exception is the moment that Kanye West took the microphone from Taylor Swift's hand mid-acceptance speech, a faux paux that Swift wrote an entire song about. That single event planted that grain of doubt into so many viewers' heads for the next big stunt: "Wait, maybe this one is real too?"

Everyone has been questioning the strange stunt from last night's Movie Awards, in which Aubrey Plaza seemed to drunkenly stumble onstage to steal the Golden Popcorn statue from Will Ferrell's hand. The moment was so brief, and Plaza said so little. When asked by Ferrell if she was ok, she just said "yup" and sat back down. It was possible to believe it was an awkward encounter that neither comedian knew how to salvage. And when MTV News "reported" that Plaza had been asked to leave the show after the incident, it seemed to confirm that it was legitimate stage-crashing, and not, say, a planned stunt to promote her summer film The To-Do List.

But, Plaza's stunt went down just too easily and MTV's involvement in her new movie seems suspicious.  She had "#TheToDoList" scrawled across her chest, perfectly timed for when the cameras cut to her in her seat, which was in the front row, of course. And MTV premiered a clip from The To-Do List earlier this week. And when you see her jump up to interrupt Ferrell, he's clearly vamping for time, saying filler phrases like "Once again, thanks to MTV" and "I, uh..." it seems he knows what's coming. Plaza's tweet after the incident seems to pretty much seal the deal as a planned hoax:

"thanks for the advice ‪@kanyewest went better than planned! ‪#mtvmovieawards ‪#chrisbosh ‪#thesecret"

Not only are the  "surprises" completely staged, but they're pretty lame and losing their shock value. Would security really be so lax when this happens nearly every single year? MTV desperately needs to realize that it's this fake, stale version of 'reality' that makes them no longer relevant.

Do you think Aubrey's stunt was staged or did MTV really not know it was coming?

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