Transgender Woman Banned From Store In Idaho For Using Woman's Bathroom.."She Was Standing While Peeing"

In Idaho, a store banned a transgender woman last week for one year allegedly over a bathroom dispute. Rosauer's Supermarket issued a year-long ban against 25-year-old Ally Robledo after claiming that customers were upset by her use of a restroom facility designated for women because she urinating while standing up.

As a result, management from the store banned the transgender customer.

Local police were called to the scene and upheld the store's action and issued Robledo a trespassing citation on top of the ban.

Although Ally was born male, she is considered transgender and identifies as female. She considers the supermarket's ban against her to be hurtful and she is complaining of gender discrimination.

"A male subject was using the female restroom, and that made some women customers uncomfortable because of the appearance that a male was using their restroom," said Police Captain Roger Lanier.

Many states are grappling with the issue to determine the fine line of what is "socially acceptable."

13 states have moved to protect transgender people from discrimination. However, there is no federal statute in place that prohibits bias towards people based on sexual identity.

The 25-year-old, who says that she has completed the first phase of reconstructive surgery toward become physically female, cites safety concerns as part of the reason she chooses to use female restrooms.

"When I did use the males [restroom] there would be people that would harass me in school," Ally explained. "I would feel really embarrassed and there were times when I found myself in a lot of dangerous situations."

However, according to The Police Captain, supermarket has the legal right to issue bans against anyone it chooses. "The store employees didn't want any further problems, and they chose to exercise their right to trespass this individual from the business," Lanier explained. "Anyone who owns or controls their property can make that decision."

Idaho does not currently have any laws in place that explicitly disallow discrimination against transgender people when it comes to public accommodations. While several states do have such stipulations, the battle continues to be fought for equal rights in many others.

For Ilona Turner, legal director of the Transgender Law Center in San Francisco, withholding basic human needs, such as the use of public restrooms, is a discriminatory act.

"Transgender people have the same needs and deserve the same access to public stores and facilities as others without discrimination based on who they are," she explained in an email to Reuters. "They just need to go to the bathroom like everyone else."

To pee..or not to pee? Was the supermarket just in their decision?

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