Mystery Man On Roof: Conspiracy Theories Arise After Boston Marathon Bombing

In the wake of the Boston Marathon tragedy yesterday, a photo of a mystery man on the roof of a building overlooking the race as one of the bombs went off has gone viral on Twitter.

Theories and guesses as to who this mystery man on the roof may be have flooded the social media site. Other publications have begun to question the identity of the mystery man as well.

People have been asking the same question over and over again, "Who is the mystery man on the roof?" Twitter users have speculated that the man on the roof is some how involved in the Boston Marathon bombings.

They call the photo of the mystery man on the roof creepy and scary.

Some twitter posts about the mystery man include:

Alec Giron tweeted, "Even if it may be nothing, the guy on the roof in the Boston bombing gives me chills."

"But the scariest thing is the guy on the roof dressed all in black while the bomb was going off," posted a girl named Emily.

It is prudent to point out that the photo of the mystery man on the roof is actually a photo of the second explosion and the chaos that followed. Bystander Dan Lampariello took the photo.

The mystery man on the roof is barely visible in the viral photo, but you can see someone standing on a roof in the top left corner of the image. You cannot see if the man is dressed all in black. You cannot see the reaction on the man's face, and you cannot tell what the man was doing on the roof.

There are plenty of practical explanations as to why the mystery man was on the roof of the building. Perhaps he was watching the marathon and remained up there after the first bomb exploded. It is possible that he ran up there to get a better look and figure out what was happing after hearing the first bomb explode.

Maybe there is a garden on the roof the man was tending and stayed to see what was happening on the street. For every conspiracy scenario someone can come up with, someone else can find a more logical explanation.

That is not to say that it is not possible the mystery man on the roof was involved in the explosion. There are sick people out in the world and it is a possibility that someone involved in an attack such as this would want to say behind and witness the events he set in motion.

However, one should not jump to conclusions before all of the facts are given. The mystery man on the roof my just be an average Joe; he may be more than that. Until an investigation is launched or the man comes forward, we will not know the truth.  

In regards to the bombing of the Boston Marathon yesterday, here is what we know for sure,

On Monday afternoon, as runners were making their way to the finish line of the Boston Marathon, there were two explosions. The bombs injured 141 people and killed at least 3 people. Of the three who died, one was an 8-year-old boy.

Various reports are saying the police have executed a search warrant in an apartment building near where the blasts occurred, but have not given any further information.

USA Today confirmed from police that there are no other bombs in that area. USA Today also says the police are searching for an unidentified man seen running from the restricted area. They do not know who the man is or why he was there.

Shortly after 6pm last night president Obama went on TV to address what happened in Boston. The president warned against jumping to conclusions and making false assumptions as to who is responsible for the attacks.

Looking somber and stern the president told the American people, "We still don't know who did this or why. People should not jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. But make no mistake. We will get to the bottom of this. We will find out who did this. We will find out why they did this. Any individual or responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice."

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