Devastating Iran Earthquake Today: 7.7 Magnitude Quake Hits Iran, Felt Throughout Middle East, Hundreds Feared Dead

On Tuesday, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Iran and was felt throughout the Middle East region, including parts of the Himalayas and China.

This is the second earthquake in less than a week to hit Iran. The first Iran Earthquake was 6.1 magnitude, which struck near Busher on Iran's Persian Golf coast on April 9.

37 people were killed in the April 9th Iran earthquake. 850 people were injured and two villages were destroyed.

The Tuesday earthquake in Iran was centered near the Iran-Pakistan border in the Iranian city of Saravan. At least 40 people have been confirmed dead, but an anonymous government official spoke with the Irish Times fearing the death toll maybe in the hundreds.

"It was the biggest earthquake in Iran in 40-years and we are expecting hundreds of dead," the official said.

The Iran earthquake was felt in New Delhi, the Gulf cities of Dubai and Bahrain. When the quake struck people fled into the streets. Some of the world's tallest skyscrapers are in the Middle East; they were seen swaying back and forth as a result of the earthquake.

Buildings were evacuated and homes were leveled as the earthquake rocked Iran.

According to the Irish Times, all communication in the area had been cut off. The Iranian Red Crescent's Mahmoud Mozaffar spoke with state TV and explained what was happening in the aftermath of the earthquake.

"In the aftermath of this earthquake five evaluation teams from the Khash and Saravan branches were sent to the area to assess damage," Mozaffar said.

Iran is no stranger to massive earthquakes, because the country sits on active geological fault lines. In 2003, Iran was hit with a 6.6 magnitude earthquake. The quake leveled the city of Bam and killed 25,000 people.

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