Ozzy Osbourne Denies Marriage Split Rumors, Apologizes To Family For Being An “A**hole” On Facebook

Legendary rocker Ozzy Osbourne has denied all split rumors about he and his wife, Sharon Osbourne.

On Tuesday, Ozzy Osbourne posted an apology to his Facebook page. The Ozzy Fest creator and Black Sabbath member apologized to his family and fans for his recent return to drug and alcohol use.

"For the last year and a half I have been drinking and taking drugs. I was in a very dark place and was an asshole to the people I love most, my family. However, I am happy to say that I am now 44 days sober," Osbourne wrote. 

Ozzy Osbourne added, "Just to set the record straight, Sharon and I are not divorcing. I'm just trying to be a better person."

Osbourne concluded with, "I would like to apologize to Sharon, my family, my friends and my band mates for my insane behavior during this period.........and my fans."

The Ozzy Osbourne split rumors began with reports saying he and Sharon had been living apart and their marriage was stressed.

Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne have been married for 30-years and have three children together. Jack and Kelly Osbourne became celebrities in their own right while their sister decided to stay out of the limelight.

The Sun, a UK newspaper, claimed a source came forward to confirm the Ozzy Osbourne split rumors. The source told The Sun, "They are living at different addresses and not spending anytime together. They row a lot. They aren't acting like husband and wife."

An angry Jack Osbourne took to Twitter to deny the rumors his parents had split.

"It's all bulls**t. Last time I checked a lot of British newspapers weren't amazing sources of accurate information. Moving on."

Only Jack Osbourne addressed the split rumors on Twitter. Kelly and Sharon Osbourne's accounts are silent on the matter.

It should be enough that Ozzy Osbourne denied the split rumors himself. 44-days clean is not an easy thing to achieve, especially for someone who has been struggling with addiction their whole career.

Supportive fans left words of encouragement on Facebook for the Black Sabbath front man,

Travis Smith writes, "One day at a time man, you can do it."

"Proud of you Ozzy," says Cody Henderson.

Jen Seal commented, "Bless you and good luck in your recovery. Thanks for sharing this with your fans, shows a lot of dedication and strength."

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