Galliano Dress Uproar: Israel’s Eurovision Contestant Banned From Wearing John Galliano Dress After Designer's Anti-Semitic Remark “I Love Hitler”

The public is in an uproar over a Galliano dress. Israel's national broadcast authority has banned its country's constant in the Eurovision song contest from wearing a dress made by designer John Galliano, creating a 'Galliano dress uproar.'

The authority cited an anti-Semitic rant by Galliano in passing the ban.

However, Galliano says that he never offered to make the dress for the contestant in the first place.

On Monday, Galliano's Publicist Liz Rosenberg told the Associated Press that claims by singer Moran Mazor that Galliano had planned to design her dress were completely false. Rosenberg added that there had not been any "official correspondence" between the singer's stylist and Galliano.

In an email, she said, "That was reconfirmed to me moments ago by John himself."

The issue of Mazor's dress on the Eurovision song contest has caused uproar.

Mazor, last week, said she reached out to several designers to help her dress for the competition, and allegedly Galliano accepted her request. Her announcement of her dress's designer prompted Israel Broadcast Authority Yoav Ginai to send a letter to the singer's representatives saying she would not be permitted to wear a Galliano dress "under any circumstance."

The letter pointed out Galliano's drunken comments two years ago in which he spewed racist and anti-Semitic insults, slurring even "I love Hitler."

After his comments, he was ousted from Christian Dior, left his label and was convicted of anti-Semitic behavior by a French court. Galliano has since undergone treatment for alcoholism, and has been in recovery for two years. He apologized for causing pain to the Jewish community.

However, Galliano's regretful efforts haven't been enough to convince the Israel Broadcast Authority that he should be in the spotlight. Ginai wrote, "I have no doubt that you, too, as an Israeli and a Jew, understand that such a 'glorious resume,' especially at a time of racism and anti-Semitism across Europe, denies this man any right to dress or work with a representative of Israel for the Eurovision, even if he has 'apologized'."

Ginai's letter outraged Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. In an interview, Foxman mentions meeting Galliano five or six times, and insists that Galliano's apology is sincere.

Foxman said, "I believe that if we want people to change their minds and hearts, you've got to accept when they say they are sorry. I see a human being who wants to repair."

Galliano hasn't commented himself, but his publicist commented that Galliano appreciates Foxman's support. Rosenberg told the Associated Press, "Mr. Galliano has been working diligently these last two years on his sobriety, making amends and seeking forgiveness from the Jewish community and the people he offended. I appreciate that there are people who may never forgive him but hope that his actions as he moves forward inspire people to give him another chance."

The Eurovision contest is watched by 100 million people around the world. Viewers and juries pick the winner of a mix of pop and rock acts that represent each European country. Past winners of Eurovision include Celine Dion and ABBA. This year's competition will be held on May 18 in Malmo, Sweden. 

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