McDonald's Cat Diet: Abandoned Cat That Only Ate Fast Food For Years Has Been Rescued By SPCA, Put Up For Adoption

A cat that has been on a strict McDonald's diet has been rescued by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).

The cat, named Frankie by the McDonald's employees in New Zealand, for over a year has predominantly eaten what is on the menu of the fast-food-chain restaurant.

The SPCA said the cat was so addicted to fast food he was initially resistant to switching to a healthier diet, according to a report by TVNZ.

Frankie was abandoned as a cat, so it was forced to fend for itself. It found its way to the McDonald's parking lot in New Zealand. The cat would chow down on cheeseburgers, McNuggets, fries and more, which sparked the cat to become a frequent visitor.

Another frequent visitor, Jessica Watson spotted Frankie and noticed the McDonald's cat's diminishing health. Watson is a field officer for SPCA and decided to take care of Frankie and put the cat up for adoption.

"Everyone knew to keep an eye out for him. You would go through the drive-through and ask for a burger for you and an extra patty for Frankie," Watson told TVNZ.

Watson said she began to worry when Frankie's face became swollen and his coat was matted.

"He wasn't overweight, but McDonald's wouldn't meet the nutritional requirements for a cat," Watson said. "When I first took him home, he refused to eat anything because it wasn't McDonald's. I would put pet food down and he would give me a look like, 'What is that?'"

Now that Frankie is up for adoption, callers have contacted SPCA in hopes to adopt the cat. Frankie does not have a new home yet, but it might happen soon.

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