Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Bullied While Student At School; Relatives Of Lanza Offer Excuse For School Shooting

An unnamed relative of Adam Lanza has spoken with the Daily News explaining that Lanza was bullied while he was a student at Sandy Hook, and that the bullying may have been the reason he targeted the school.

According to the Daily News story, Adam Lanza was bullied while he attended the Sandy Hook Elementary School from Kindergarten to sixth grade. Lanza would often come home with bruises all over his body. The bullied Lanza refused to talk to anyone about what was going on in school.

"Adam would come home with bruises all over his body. His mom would ask him what was wrong, and he wouldn't say anything. He would just sit there," the relative said to the Daily News.

Adam's mother Nancy Lanza was furious about her son's bullying. Nancy Lanza would even follow her son to school and sit in on his classes to make sure nobody bullied her son.

"She was trying to get proof. She wanted to know where the bruises were coming from...she was convinced the school wasn't doing enough to protect Adam and it made her irate."

There are some reports saying that Nancy Lanza wanted to sue Sandy Hook for not doing enough to protect her son.

After spending most of his elementary school days being bullied, Lanza's mother removed him from the school. The relative who spoke with the Daily News said he was never quite the same after leaving Sandy Hook.

Adam Lanza and his mother Nancy shared a home in Newtown, Connecticut and were armed with guns, samurai swords, spears and a metal bayonet. When the police executed a search warrant, they found a Christmas card and a check made out to Adam Lanza from his mother to buy a C183.

On December 14, 2012 Adam Lanza shot and killed his mother in her home then took her car and drove to the sandy Hook Elementary School. Lanza murdered 20 children and 6 adults before taking his own life.

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was one of the worst mass killings in United States history. It has sparked a national debate over the ease of purchasing firearms and has moved the president to fight for stricter gun control legislation.

The president has been working closely with the parents of the Newtown victims, trying to get the legislation passed.

Newtown parents are working to try and prevent another tragedy like the one that befell their children from happening again. While never forgetting their children, parents are trying to move on with their lives, but are finding that a difficult task.

It doesn't help that a recent episode of Glee has aired depicting a shooting at the fictional high school that the characters attend.

In the episode, which aired last Tuesday, night shots are heard in the hallway of the school. Students and teachers begin to scream and scramble for cover. Some hide in the choir room with character Will, who tells the students to begin texting and tweeting to let everyone know what is going on. "But don't tell them we're here. Shooters have smartphones too," Will said.

The creators of the show insist the episode was written well before the events of December 14. The parents of the Sandy Hook victims say that it doesn't matter when it was written - all that matters is when it aired.

Parents say Tuesday's episode of Glee came "too soon" after the Newtown shooting.

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