New Zealand Same-Sex Marriage Equality Bill Passes; Gay Couples Rejoice

New Zealand's parliament has just passed a measure legalizing same sex marriage. On Wednesday, Parliament voted 77-44 in favor of the practice. Local media in New Zealand say that the new gay marriage law will go into effect in four months.

The bill was sponsored by Labour Member of Parliament Louisa Wall, who said in a statement that she was "very proud to be a member of a Parliament that has voted overwhelmingly to give New Zealanders, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender, the right to marry."

Throughout New Zealand, supporters and gay rights activists are celebrating in the streets and at home. Overjoyed couples could be seen in pubs laughing and kissing.  Wall said the gay marriage bill was "our road toward healing".

Supporters watching in the gallery and even some lawmakers broke into song at the announcement, singing, "Pokarekare Ana" an indigenous Maori love song popular throughout New Zealand. It was the bill's third reading; the only step left is final approval by the Governor-General. This is usually a formality.

This bill comes right on the heels of a similar ruling in Uruguay. Last week, they passed a new measure approving same-sex marriage. And there, too, the only action left there is the Uruguayan President's signature, who's also said he supports it.

Last May, the tide turned in support of the same-sex marriage bill in New Zealand after U.S. President Barack Obama declared his support for gay marriage. Prime Minister John Key then broke his silence on the issue by saying he was "not personally opposed" to the idea. Wall had already drafted the bill, which she then put forward.

Assuming the laws in both New Zealand and Uruguay pass, the number of nations that sanction same-sex marriage will total 13. Eight of these countries are in Europe; Argentina, Canada, and South Africa have now allowed same-sex couples to marry as well. The Netherlands was the first country to allow the practice. Lawmakers in the UK and France are also considering same-sex marriage legislation.

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