CVS Racist Slur...1 Million Dollar Lawsuit---Employee wrote "Ching Chong Lee" On New Jersey Customer's Receipt [VIDEO]

A New Jersey woman of Korean decent is suing CVS for $1 million after claiming that a store employee used a racial Asian slur on her receipt.

Hyun Lee, a New Jersey woman of Korean descent, picked up her photos from a CVS in February when she noticed that her name on the receipt had been changed to "Ching Chong Lee."

Feeling "shocked, stunned, mortified, humiliated, and severely distressed," Lee wrote a complaint to customer relations: "Do you think it's funny? It's very disturbing to me!!!!"

CVS responded in an email, writing that they were "very sorry" about Lee's experience. They pledged to "counsel and train" the store employee responsible.

"He should have been terminated immediately," Lee's attorney told "She never got an apology. She never got anything further after she complained."

"It appears that the employee is still there. She will not return to that CVS until that employee is removed," her attorney added.

Lee is seeking $1 million due to "injury, mental anguish, severe emotional distress, harm, and damages," that she allegedly continues to suffer from as a result of the alleged receipt, according to the lawsuit.

CVs announced this formal statement in response to Lee's lawsuit:

"CVS/pharmacy is committed to treating all of our customers with dignity and respect. We have a firm non-discrimination policy. While the allegations in the complaint are not in keeping with our values or our policies, we cannot comment on a matter involving pending litigation."

Lee and her attorney believe that CVS' statement is insufficient firing back:

"If they're committed to treating all of their customers with dignity and respect, we feel they should have a zero tolerance level for this discrimination."

This type of racial profiling has been occurring often lately.

Papa John's fired an employee last January after a customer received a receipt, which called her "lady chinky eyes." The pizza chain later apologized to the customer.

And Last month, a cashier at a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Irvine, Calif., was fired after allegedly mocking Asian-American customers writing similar slurs on receipts.

Some say that this should be taken seriously and it is a statement of hate and ridicule towards the customers. Others believe it is just a short hand way of writing a receipt when you didn't take down the persons name.

Either way, a one million dollar compensation seems a tad extreme over what a measly ignorant drug store employee wrote down.

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