Ze:A Dong Joon 'Sorry That Members Work Around My Schedule'

Ze:A's Dong Joon revealed that he is always sorry that his team members are working around his schedule for team practices.

During an interview for 'At Style Magazine', Dong Joon shared his thoughts about differential popularities within Ze:A. "Just waiting for me to be done with my schedule must be a lot of stress for the members. I know it is tough for them at times, so I am really sorry. If I could lead the team better from my experiences in individual schedules, I would feel better. But that is not the case, either."

Ze:A Five is a spin-off group from Ze:A which consists of nine members. Given the large number of members, some have received more attention than others.

Min Woo, who is considered one of the lesser-known Ze:A member, commented that "It was difficult in the beginning because we have our personal goals, too. But not all nine of us can be popular and be at the center of attention simultaneously. Now I feel more thankful for the members who are pulling the team. They go out of their way to do things for the sake of the team. "

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