Dzhokar Tzarnev PHOTOS released; Watertown, Massachusetts On Lockdown To Hunt Brothers from Chechnya

Watertown, Mass is on lockdown this morning as police engage in a standoff with Boston marathon suspects Dzhokar Tzarnaev and Tamerian Tzarnaev. The suspects are brothers from from Chechnya who have been in the US for about five years. Gov. Patrick urges the entire city of Boston to stay indoors and only answer to law enforcement officers with ID.

The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing killed an MIT police officer, injured a transit officer in a firefight and threw explosive devices at police during their getaway attempt. A firefight ensued in the dark early this morning. One is dead and one is still at large. The suspect who is still at large is , brother of Tamerian Tzarnaev, 26, who has been killed and may have been run over by his brother. He may have had an IED. A transit officer, Richard Donahue, Jr has ben injured. Around 7:30 this morning, officers dragged a handcuffed woman from the suspects' apartment.

 All local schools are closed, at both K-12 and university levels. MTBA, Boston's public transit system, has been suspended in Watertown, Cambridge, Newton, and Boston. Amtrak has been suspended between Boston and Proviedence, RI. Dozens of Humvees were seen pulling into a staging area and press are being pushed out of Watertown. Journalist Jessica Phelan posted a photo that is purported to be of Dzhokar Tzarnev from a social network account. She also tweeted a quote from Tamerain-even after living in in the US for 5 years, Tamerian said ''I don't have a single American friend, I don't understand them''.

"We believe this man to be a terrorist," said Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. "We believe this to be a man who's come here to kill people." 

MIT students were told to stay inside starting at about 10:30 PM last night. Nearby residents heard gunfire starting at around 1 AM.

Cab driver Irman Saif told the press he was standing on a street corner when "I heard a loud boom and then a rapid succession of pop, pop, pop," he said. "It sounded like automatic weapons. And then I heard the second explosion." He could smell something in the air burning and started walking into the street but area residents in the area yelled out their windows at him, "Hey, it's gunfire! Don't go that way!"

Developments are still underway in this story.

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