12 Bodies Found West Texas Explosions At Fertilizer Plant: Search For More Victims Continues

So far 12 more bodies have been recovered after the West Texas fertilizer plant explosion Thursday. Authorities said 200 others were injured in the explosions that spanned the neighborhood nearby.  

Schools, nursing homes and apartment buildings were struck by the blaze of the explosion. It was first reported that 15 were dead initially. Since the search for others, 12 bodies found from the searches. 

Andrea Jones, 40, lived in the apartment building destroyed by the blast, according to USA Today. She'd been standing outside talking on her cellphone with her father and describing the fire to him when the explosion came. "It was the most horrible thing I've ever been through in my entire life," she said. "It felt like a war zone."

As she ran away from the building, a black truck sped by. She said it was her "guardian angel" who opened the door and told her to "get in."

Even if Jones is ever allowed back to her apartment, she doesn't know if she could handle it as she currently is staying a hotel in the area.

"I don't think I can go back into our apartment," she said. "I'm going to have to send my dad in. I'd just get too emotional. It was all too close."

Sgt. Patrick Swanton, Waco Police spokesman, was one of the first on the scene, according to USA Today. He said he never saw anything like it after the explosion at the plant.

"I've been policing for 32 years and seen some pretty rough stuff in that time," Swanton said. "I've never seen anything of this magnitude."

A West Texas, a town of 2,800 people, had an explosion at the West Fertilizer Co. Hundreds of firefighters and first responders have been trying to help recover people in the blaze since Wednesday, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Figuring it must be a tornado, Bill and Polly Killough clawed their way out of the debris. But looking around, all she could see was devastation.

"Now I know what soldiers go through," she said. "In an instant - just total destruction."

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