Sorority Attends "Homeless" Party; Indiana University Chapter Of Kappa Delta Under Fire For Lack Of Sensitivity

It's common for sororities to throw theme parties, but one group at Indiana University has taken things too far.

The women at Kappa Delta at Indiana University are at the center of controversy after photos emerged on Jezebel of them attending a homeless-themed party. A student at the university sent the photos to the website, which showed the girls wearing tattered, "dirty" clothing. They were also sporting signs with messages that included "Give me a nickel and I'll tickle your pickle," and, "Why lie? It's for BOOZE. Homeless need $ and prayers." 

Indiana University is surrounded by a high homeless population because many people in the town of Bloomington, where the University is located, currently live below the poverty line.

"[Bloomington has] a disproportionately high homeless population. They're typically the target of a lot of s*it from students. They get treated pretty badly," said an IU student via e-mail who wished to remain anonymous. "The greek system here does do a lot of philanthropic work, but homelessness, which is one of the biggest local problems we have, and a problem that the greek system has the opportunity to really help, is completely ignored."

Indiana University has yet to publicly respond to the released photos. However, it's also likely that the chapter will receive some sort of punishment from both IU and the Kappa Delta organization.

Several sororities have come under fire for their attacks on ethnic groups in recent months. Earlier this week, Gawker posted an e-mail from a member of the Delta Gamma Sorority at the University of Maryland, which referred to her sisters as "f*cking f*ggots." It was then later revealed that she had a Twitter account at one point which contained numerous racist and homophobic tweets.

Last December, Penn State's Omega Chi chapter threw a "Mexican-themed" party that included signs like, "Will mow lawn for weed + beer," and, "I don't cut grass, I smoke it." 

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