Little League Shooting: Parent Fires Gun At Another Parent From Opposing Team

File this under: are you kidding me? In the wake of one of the worst school shootings in United States history a little league parent brought a gun to his child's game and fired it Wednesday night.

A parent from the North Vallejo little league fired a gun into the car window of another parent from the opposing team.

According to reports two parents from opposing teams began to exchange words while attending their children's little league game. The two men continued their fight in the parking lot of the little league field. When the would be victim got in his car and drove away the still angry parent pulled out a gun and fired at the man as he drove off.

The driver was not injured but the bullets did hit the car. There is no word on whether or not there were any children in the car.

The little league shooting happened in Vallejo California. The shooting occurred on the same field that MLB pitcher CC Sabathia played little league as a kid. The entire North Vallejo little league season has been canceled as a result of a shooting.

ABC local news in Vallejo spoke with little league parents after the shooting. Anthony Spears, a North Vallejo Little League father asked the reporter, "First of all how do you bring a gun to a tee ball game? Second how do you fire it off?"

Spears also told ABC that the little league season has been canceled until officials can ensure the safety of the young players.  

Police do not have a suspect in custody but are looking into the parents of the little league players. ABC says the little league programs in the area blame issues like this on the parents of the players.

The say if more parents were involved in their children's little league activities they would have fewer issues.

A meeting is being held to determine the future of the North Vallejo little league season. ABC reports the fate of the season hangs on the number of parents that show up to the meeting.

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