2nd Stillborn’s Remains Likely Sent To Laundry Service

On Friday Regions Hospital of St. Paul Minnesota announced that a 2nd stillborn's remains were likely sent out with the laundry following the discovery of the remains of a stillborn at a Minnesota laundry service.

On Tuesday a worker at the Crothhall Laundry Service was going through linen from the hospital when the remains of a 22-week stillborn baby was found among laundry taken from the hospital's morgue.

Now the same hospital cannot locate the remains of a 2nd stillborn and believe the 19-week developed fetus may have been sent out with the laundry as well.

"A tragic human error was made and we believe both sets of remains were mistaken as empty linens and placed in the laundry at the same time by a hospital worker," said Chris Boese, the hospital's chief nursing officer," according to Fox News.

The employee who may have made the mistake resulting in a 2nd stillborn's remains going missing has not been named.

The hospital did not try and dance around taking responsibility for the 2nd stillborn's missing remains. The CEO for the hospital, Brock Nelson said the entire hospital is accountable. He did however praise his employees saying, "we have many good staff."

"All of us are accountable. There was no foul play here," Fox News reports Nelson as saying.

Nelson added, "It's just a real tragedy. We are just very, very sorry."

The hospital became aware of the 2nd stillborn's missing remains when the first stillborn was found at the laundry service. The hospital record showed that a 2nd still born was supposed to be in the same area as the first.

When the hospital checked with the family to find out if the remains had been delivered to a funeral home, they learned the 2nd remains were missing.

The hospital has not yet found the 2nd stillborn's remains and are not sure if they will. Fox News reports the hospital has apologized to both families and offered to help the families in any way.

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