Long Island Mom Arrested For Encouraging Kids To Fire BB Gun At Neighbors’ Cars

Susan Becker a 43-year-old mother of two was arraigned on Saturday for encouraging her kids to fire BB guns at neighborhood cars.

The mom is accused of driving around three kids, two of them her own and encouraging them to fire BB guns. The BB gun shooting spree damaged over 60 cars.

The BB gun mom is being held on $30,000 bail and is facing several charges including endangering the welfare of a child. Reports are saying that the BB gun mom had been driving the kids around for weeks having them shoot out car windows.

Neighbors were surprised when they learned Susan Becker was the mom responsible for the BB gun attacks. They also say they couldn't understand why anybody would want to encourage kids to shoot BB guns and risk hurting someone.

Resident John McGuigan spoke with his local news station saying, "The likelihood that somebody's going to get hurt with that kind of behavior is just insane. I don't know why anyone would want to do that."

Rawstory.com spoke with resident Michelle Delarosa, "It's more than just a window breaking or the damage of window or a car," Delarosa said. "You could have actually hurt someone."

One neighbor did come to the BB gun mom's defense saying, "Susan is a great mom, she's a great neighbor, she's always there to help everybody," Susan Morelli told NBC. "A very all-American typical mom. I just can't say enough nice things about her because she's just such a nice person."

Morelli added that there must be some explanation as to why the mom of two was driving kids around firing BB guns.

"There must be some explanation that we don't know about. ... She just wouldn't do something like that," Morelli told NBC.

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