Reese Witherspoon Arrested for DUI, Asks Cop “Do You Know My Name?”

On Friday evening Reese Witherspoon was arrested along with her husband Jim Toth for a DUI.

While in Georgia working on the film "The Good Lie" Reese Witherspoon and her husband were arrested after being pulled over by police. The officer noticed the car Toth was driving was on the wrong side of the road.

Variety got a copy of the police report. In it the arresting officer said Reese Witherspoon did not believe he was a real cop. Witherspoon was being belligerent and demanded to know if the officer knew who she was.

In the police report the officer says, "Mrs. Witherspoon began to hang out the window and say that she did not believe I was a real police officer. I told Mrs. Witherspoon to sit on her butt and be quiet."

The cop that arrested Reese Witherspoon continues, "Mrs. Witherspoon asked, 'Do you know my name?' I answered, 'No, I don't need to know your name.' I then added, 'Right now.' Mrs. Witherspoon stated, 'You're about to find out who I am.'... Mrs. Witherspoon also stated, 'You're going to be on national news.' I advised Mrs. Witherspoon that was fine."

Reese Witherspoon was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for arguing with the police officer. Her husband was charged with a DUI for operating a vehicle with a .139 blood alcohol level.

The pair was released from jail at 3:30am Friday morning. The arrested couple has an 8-month-old son. No information about possible court dates for the couple has been released.

Reese Witherspoon
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