Middle School Student Jailed For Refusing To Remove NRA T-Shirt

14-year-old Jared Marcum was jailed on Thursday for refusing to remove the NRA t-shirt he was wearing after a teacher told him to take it off.

Marcum was standing on line in the cafeteria of Logan Middle School when a teacher approached and told the student his NRA shirt was against the dress code and he needed to remove it or turn it inside out, AP reports.

The student that was later jailed for his NRA t-shirt refused to take it off, saying it did not go against the school's dress code policy.

"I was surprised. It shocked me that the school didn't know their own dress code and their own policy. I figured they would have known not to call me out on that shirt because there was nothing wrong with it," AP reports Marcum as saying.

Since Marcum refused to take off his NRA t-shirt, he was sent to the principal's office and the police were called. According to the Associated Press,Marcum was charged (and jailed) with disrupting the educational process and obstructing an officer.

"When the police came, I was still talking and telling them that this was wrong, that they cannot do this, it's not against any school policy. The officer, he told me to sit down and be quiet. I said, 'No, I'm exercising my right to free speech.' I said it calmly," Marcum told the AP.

Marcum's family is glad for the attention their son is receiving. His parents think this charge is absurd and want to make it public. The Marcum's obtained a lawyer and are fighting the charges that jailed their son over an NRA t-shirt.

Ibtims.com says the Logan Middle School's dress code prohibits students from wearing, "anything that displays profanity, violence, discriminatory messages or sexually suggestive phrases. Garments that glorify alcohol, tobacco, or drugs are also banned."

Marcum's lawyer told AP that the boy's t-shirt did not violate the dress code and the resulting arrest was unnecessary.

Nobody on the part of the school has commented about the boy's NRA t-shirt case. Marcum's lawyer has a meeting with the school principal Monday.

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