Tamerlan Tsarnaev Wife Katherine Russell Picks Up Her Things From Home Following The Boston Marathon Bomber's Death

Katherine Russell was the wife of the deceased Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

She was spotted returning home following her husband's death on April 18. The 24-year-old mother of Tamerlan's child wore a leopard-print hijab and was spotted quickly collecting her belongings - her cat, a shopping bag and duffel bag - before driving away in a white Volvo with her 3-year-old daughter from the Cambridge, Mass. home, according to New York Post.

Amato DeLuca, an attorney representing the elder Tsarnaev brother's wife said he personally spoke to authorities about the visit to her and Tamerlan's home.

"I spoke to them, and that's all I can say right now. We're deciding what we want to do and how we want to approach this," DeLuca told reporters.

Tamerlan and his brother Dzhokhar are suspected of planting the two bombs that went off last Monday during the Boston Marathon. When pictures revealed the suspects were the Tsarnaev brothers, they allegedly killed an MIT police officer and tossed grenades at police that were pursuing the brothers. When a shootout ensued, Temerlan was killed, but Dzhokhar was able to get away.

Watertown, Mass. and surrounding areas were on lockdown, and Friday evening, Dzhokhar was found bloodied, but alive on a boat that was on somebody's lawn.

Tamerlan and Katherine met at a bar back in 2009 and married a short time later, according to reports. They shared a daughter together and while Russell worked long hours as a home health aide, Tsarnaev cared for their child.

Patricia Gillette, a neighbor who lives across the street from Tsarnaev's in-laws, told the Daily News that she knew Katherine went off to a college in Boston, but returned at some point wearing Muslim garb.

"She said she figured Russell met someone and changed her lifestyle," Gillette told the Daily News.

Katherine's parents claimed they did not know about anything Tamerlan and his brother were up to. It was a shock to them and the released a statement after Tamerlan's death.

"Our daughter has lost her husband today, the father of her child. We cannot begin to comprehend how this horrible tragedy occurred," the statement said. "In the aftermath of the Patriots' Day horror we know that we never really knew Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Our hearts are sickened by the knowledge of the horror he has inflicted."

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