Psy's 'Gentleman': 'Saucy' Single Is 'Off To A Good Start' According To USA Today

USA Today harped in their opinions of Korean mega-star Psy's latest single, "Gentleman."

The American news publication called the song "saucy" and praised Psy for overcoming the one-hit-wonder syndrome that is all too common among singers who have come before him.

Unfortunately when such a bizarre song-video combo becomes such a massive hit, as with "Gangnam Style," the musicians behind it tend to be forgotten and their fame stays forever linked to the one song that made them popular in the first place. Just think about Dexy's Midnight Runners, Right Said Fred, or the Baha Men; can anyone name another hit?

"Gentleman," however, is off to a great start. In just over a week's time, the music video has been viewed more than 200 million times, with more hits added by the minute.

The rather ungentlemanly pranks, series of celebrity guest appearances, and catchy dance number give Psy new appeal while he still maintains some of the elements that made his first international single "Gangnam Style" so intriguing.

It is still unknown if "Gentleman" will be able to compete with Psy's record-breaking first hit, but it is making a mark on the music world in its own way.

"Gangnam Style" may be the most popular YouTube video of all time, but it peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 2. So far, the popularity of "Gentleman" puts it on track to take over that coveted number 1 spot. Last week it debuted at number 12, but it is in the top spot on iTunes charts around the globe, and is racking up internet views at an alarming rate, putting "Gentleman" as a solid contender for the highest rank on Billboard.   

Gangnam Style
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