Batman In Afghanistan: American Superhero Appears In PSA Videos To Discuss Safety Violations, “Bagram Batman” Has Christian Bale Voice

Batman is in Afghanistan! Instead of dealing with the joker, catwoman and other villains that has kept the American superhero in his million-dollar film appearances, he’s busy in educating soldiers in Afghanistan for acting up at army bases.

“Bagram Batman” is the title of the videos and it features deliberately horrendous acting while touching upon safety violations, the Epoch Times reports. The soldiers featured in the Batman in Afghanistan films uses the voice of its star, Christian Bale. Bale is the most recent Hollywood actor heralding the Batman franchise in his resume.

One of the Batman in Afghanistan video includes the hero, who uses the same mask but also wears Army camouflage, telling a soldier to never leave his base without his weapon.

In another video, Batman says, “When you are smoking, you need to make sure you are aware of your surroundings.” He then grabs a soldier who was smoking near flammable liquids.”

After being roughed up by the hero, the soldiers promise that they’ll behave safer next time around. Bagram Batman will then growl in his best Christian Bale voice imitation the words, “Swear to me.”

Batman’s character in the video serves as an intimidator, educator and safety enthusiast with a mission: To help keep soldiers and civilians deployed in Afghanistan out of harm’s way.

The series of humorous public service announcements is a project of the U.S. Army in coordination with AFN Afghanistan.

The videos are available for public viewing at the official YouTube Channel of the U.S. Army.

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