Porsha Stewart Divorce: 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta' Star Learned About Her Divorce on Twitter, Still Living With Kordell Stewart

Porsha Stewart learned about her divorce on Twitter...while her husband was home and in the next room. Yes, really! Stewart opened up to Andy Cohen about her split from husband Kordell Stewart on Watch What Happens Live on April 21.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star woke up from a nap and saw she had missed calls from her sister. Stewart told Cohen her sister asked if she'd heard the news, and she replied "I'm like, 'Heard what?' So I went to Twitter and the first thing I see is, 'Kordell divorcing Porsha,'" she said. "And I'm like this is just a crazy joke . . . I found out from Twitter."

Her husband was home-in the next room, in fact - so she went and confronted him about his Tweet. "I asked my husband had he filed... long story short, I just felt very disappointed and let down. When I got married, I meant it for life. I always said I would never get a divorce unless he cheated on me or something like that . . . I was heartbroken, like I am still right now."

Bravo star Stewart revealed that she and Kordell are still living in the same house, despite their impending divorce, making a tense situation even harder, but that the couple isn't getting along (surprise, surprise). "You're living together?" Cohen asked, incredulously. "Speaking?"

"We're in the same house. I didn't say we speak. And I didn't say I'm cooking. It ain't no eggs and bacon and ham hocks no more," said Stewart.

"It's a difficult, difficult situation right now," she said. "It's something that I did not want at all. I had asked, 'Can we work this out? Can we go to counseling?' What you saw at the reunion was a wife trying her last try. When you are married, I feel like you have to put 150 percent into your marriage no matter what. And if it doesn't work, you need to be able to walk away and say, 'I tried.' No matter what."

Some are saying that Porsha Stewart does not want a divorce. She defended her husband on the Housewives reunion special when people said he was "too controlling". Then, a week later, found out he had filed for divorce. Kordell Stewart, former quarterback, filed on March 22. The couple had been married for under two years. Porsha Stewart said she was "blindsided" and that "at the reunion I did feel some kind of way because I did want my husband there with me. I was standing strong representing for my family" but that finding out about the divorce was  "absolutely a surprise."

But, in the end, she will move on. Stewart told Cohen, "So I feel like, at the end of the day, it was just a betrayal that I suffered from and that's something that I'm going to have to move on with. But at least I know I put in my best."

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