Cops Confiscate 2-Pound Joint On UCSC Campus in Santa Cruz, California On 4/20: Watch And See The Two-Pound Joint [VIDEO]

Police confiscated a two-pound joint on the campus of the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) on Saturday.

As students surrounded the police officers who were carrying the two-pound joint away, one student whose marijuana it appeared to be was arguing side-by-side with the officers.

"Oh dude, we're going to court, man; we're totally going to court," the student told the officer holding the two-pound joint.

The student even calls the police officer a liar in his dispute with him.

According to a report from KTVU on April 21, the incident happened on April 20, or 4/20, which is a day to identify oneself with the marijuana subculture.

The legal limit for carrying pot is one ounce. This alleged two-pound joint that was seized by the cops was way over the legal limit. The video below shows how big the joint really is.

Students at UCSC hang out in this area on the campus every 4/20. Chief of Police Nadar Oweis said it would cost more money to shut down the event than to keep it going.

"It's not that we don't want to shut it down, but it's tougher because we have limited resources and the high cost it would take to completely stop the event, is not something we have right now," Oweis told reporters.

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