Ohio Tanning Salon Says Woman Is "Too Fat" To Use Tanning Beds, Rips Off Humiliated Woman Over Unwritten 230-Pound Limit [VIDEO]

After purchasing a $70 monthly tanning package at Aloha Tanning in Ohio, a woman was told the next day that she couldn't tan there anymore because she was overweight.

Kelly McGrevey has said that she was left insulted and embarrassed after she was rejected from the tanning salon. The man working at the salon reportedly told her, "Sorry, but I'm not going to let you tan today because we've just implemented a new policy where anyone over 230 pounds can't go in one of our beds."

When Aloha informed her of their 230 lb maximum benchmark, McGrevey asked to see this rule written in writing. The tanning salon refused to show any documentation of this bogus regulation.

They would not even refund her money that she gave them just one day prior.

An employee told Kelly that the policy was not written down, but that there was a weight limit on their acrylic beds.

So the issue isn't just about weight discrimination. It's about taking her money when they clearly knew she was not capable of using their facilities. Why give her a tour of the tanning salon and sign her up for a month knowing full well that she was too large for their beds?

When an employee was questioned on the matter she replied "We do have a lot of bigger people that come in here and they know that they can't go into the laydown beds because they are so, you know, they are bigger."

An angry McGrevey was forced to call the police to file a report against the salon owner, Justin Hillman.

It's bad enough that that the woman was humiliated by the salon's remarks...did they have to rip her off too?

More than likely the outraged Ohio woman taking action will get her money back, but the story that is now so highly publicized is sure to spoil their name and put the business in hot water.

Do you think the salon was being discriminatory towards larger people or is this a viable concern for the bed's functioning?

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