Amanda Bynes Booted From NYC Gym For Smoking Weed; Actress Kicked Out Of Planet Fitness On 4/20

Amanda Bynes has clearly been operating on a different planet than everyone else lately, and that includes how she chooses to workout at the gym.

Most people get a workout at the gym by hitting the treadmill or eliptical, but Amanda decided to put her lungs through a different test last Saturday on 4/20 by smoking weed in the women's locker room of a Planet Fitness gym. She obviously didn't get the memo that 4/20 isn't a universally accepted holiday, because the gym has allegedly revoked her membership in response.

Front desk workers at the gym told Rumorfix that Bynes was caught smoking weed in the bathroom of the changing facility and immediately escorted off the premises. However, Amanda immediately messaged the gossip website to slam their story.

"I don't smoke in the bathroom. I also don't smoke pot, I smoke tobacco!" she wrote. It's not the first time Amanda has had difficulty functioning in a gym. Earlier this month, she was reportedly kicked out of a gymnastics class at NYC's Chelsea Piers for wearing inappropriate clothing and crying during the session.

Amanda was also reportedly kicked out of her NYC residence last January due to a strong smell of marijuana wafting from her apartment at all hours of the day. She was allegedly caught smoking up behind the wheel last September as well, sans drivers license.

Earlier this month, the troubled actress declared that she had an eating disorder and accused the media of exacerbating her body issues. "They take pictures anytime I've gained weight then write a fake story!" she tweeted. "I have an eating disorder so I have a hard time staying thin."

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Amanda Bynes
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