Two Bishops Kidnapped In Syrian Uprising Have Been Released Unharmed

Two Syrian Bishops were kidnapped outside the city of Aleppo after an increase in violence between Syria and Lebanon. According to reports, the two bishops were kidnapped while in a car on their way to do humanitarian work in the village of Kfar Dael. The kidnappers killed the two bishops' driver by shooting him and then kidnapped the men.

The two kidnapped bishops were released 24-hours after they were taken hostage. There is no word on why the men were taken or why they were released so soon.

According to Reuters, Christians make up less than 10% of Syria's 23 million people. There has been an increase in border fighting between Lebanon and Syria. The Lebanese are worried their people will rise up and get caught in a civil war similar to Syria's.

In March 2011, the people of Syria rose up in defiance of their president in the hopes he would step down. The country has been in the midst of a civil war ever since.

The Washington Post says, "The heated rhetoric on both sides of the divide in Lebanon, coupled with escalating violence along the border, has led to a sinking sense among many Lebanese that their country may be sucked into the civil war next door."

The Washington Post also says, "Now in its third year, the conflict has settled into a deadly grind, with rebels controlling much of northern Syria while the regime keeps a tight grip on Damascus, the Mediterranean coast and the major cities in the west, except the contested commercial hub of Aleppo."

More than 70,000 people have been killed during Syria's civil war.

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