Sharon Osbourne Discusses On "The Talk" That She's Devastated That Ozzy Is Using Again--Denies Divorce Rumors

Sharon Osbourne is speaking out about her husband Ozzy Osbourne's addiction issues on her show "The Talk" and tells viewers she's "devastated" that Ozzy is using again.

"He said he's been using alcohol and prescription drugs for the last year and a half. He's been in a very dark place. That's true. That's very true," Sharon Osbourne admitted on her Daytime talk show.

The Talk co-host also revealed on Tuesday's show that Ozzy was hiding his struggles from her. "I never knew he was using prescription drugs," she said. "I knew he was drinking occasionally but I didn't realize the extent."

She publicly put the divorce rumors to rest declaring, "We're not getting divorced. However, am I happy? No. Am I upset? Yes I am. I'm devastated right now."

She discussed with the audience how hard it can when someone in the family is abusing substances, like alcohol and drugs.

"It's a disease that not only hurts the person that has the disease but it hurts the family. It hurts people who love you," she said. "We're dealing with it. We've dealt with worse. We're dealing with it and this too shall pass." She said.

Always the optimistic, the host added "Otherwise my husband will be taken to hospital to get my foot removed from his ass."

The rumor mill was churning a week ago when there was gossip over a potential Osbourne divorce.

On April 16, Ozzy took to Facebook denying the divorce rumors, apologizing to his family and admitting he'd been drinking and using drugs but was now sober for 44 days.

Sharon confessed, "There's always a little seed of truth to everything that gets reported, but then it gets very distorted."

But we are still confused about their living arrangements. She's been seen countless times ending her evenings traveling to a Beverly Hills Hotel while Ozzy is living in a house nearby.

She claims they are living separate due to work conflicts.  Ozzy is on the road touring right now with his new band and she has clashing work commitments.

The adorable British host has high hopes for her marriage and the future of her family and we can root for her a lot easier now that she's been so candid about her husband's faults.  

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