Assault Pressure Cooker Joke By Tennessee Politician Received Widespread Criticism, State Sen. Stacey Campfield In Hot Water But Refused To Apologize

A joke for an assault pressure cooker will not sit well with anyone, particularly when it was released a week after the tragic Boston marathon bombing that caught the nation’s attention. Nonetheless, it didn’t stop a Tennessee politician from using a key component in the bombs used from last Monday’s attacks as a joke.

A controversial Tennessee Republican’s joke about an “assault pressure cooker” angered critics who felt the politician was making light of the Boston Marathon bombing.

State Sen. Stacy Campfield posted a picture of what he interprets as an “Assault Pressure Cooker” on his personal blog, Camp4u, on Sunday. The pressure cooker had the caption, “Here comes Feinstein again,” which served as a mocking reference to Sen. Diane Feinstein’s (D-CA) recently defeated proposal to ban military-style assault weapons. Gun proponents heavily criticized Feinstein’s Bill saying it was using “cosmetic features to decide which rifles will be outlawed,” the Raw Story reported.

People who read the post were quick to criticized the image, with several asking Campfield why he was making such a joke just days after at least one pressure cooker bomb was allegedly used to wreak havoc in Boston.

One commenter wrote, “What kind of insensitive imbecile thinks it's okay to post a picture like this. Do you think it's a joke? Three people dead, one an eight year old child and you think it's something to laugh about [all sic]?"

Campfield, who became controversial and notorious in his home state for proposing a “Don’t Say Gay Bill,” a policy that will require teachers to out gay students, later published a second post to complain about the complaints he has received about his assault pressure cooker joke.

Campfield wrote, “If my post was inappropriate talking about ‘crock pot control’ then where is the outrage from the left when they push for gun control after the Sandy Hook shooting? I’m sorry if I exposed your double standard....Well, not really!:

In an interview with WVLT, a Knoxville-based station, the state senator was asked about the joke’s timing. He responded saying, “People need to lighten up. I say it's insensitive that people go after guns and [S]econd [A]mendment rights after the Sandy Hook shooting."

As of the time of this writing, the post was still up on State Senator’s Campfield’s blog despite criticism he has received. According to the Tennessean, the senator has refused to apologize for the assault pressure cooker joke.

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