13 Correction Officers Indicted For Helping Dangerous Black Guerilla Gang Run Drugs In Jail

13 female correction officers have been indicted on charges of drug smuggling and other illegal activities involving a dangerous Baltimore prison gang, the Black Guerilla Gang.

The 13 corrections officers were indicted Tuesday after basically allowing this gang to run the prison on their watch. The Washington Post reports, "The guards allegedly helped leaders of the Black Guerilla Family run their criminal enterprise in jail by smuggling cell phones, prescription pills and other contraband in their underwear, shoes and hair. One gang leader allegedly used proceeds to buy luxury cars, including a Mercedes-Benz and a BMW, which he allowed some of the officers to drive."

The Washington Post reports that the jail was for lack of a better term, out of control. The 13 correction officers became so involved with the gang members two of them got tattoos of a gang member's name. 4 of the 13 officers indicted had become pregnant by the same member of the Black Guerilla Gang. 

The indictment against the 13 officers was unsealed on Tuesday. The Washington Post had a copy of the indictment against the officers, which gave a brief history of the Black Guerilla Family.

The gang was founded in California during the 1960's but quickly spread to other major cities in the United States. The gang became part of the Maryland corrections department in 1990. Despite their status as a prison gang, the BGF still runs criminal activity on the streets.

There are six counts in the indictment. The counts include running drugs, money laundering and smuggling contraband items into the prison. Items including cell phones so the gang members may have contact with their members on the street.

Gary D. Maynard is the head of the Maryland agency that oversees the prisons. During a press conference, Maynard took full responsibility for not seeing how out of control the prison was running. 

"It's totally on me. I don't make any excuses," Maynard said. "We will move up the chain of command, and people will be held accountable."

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