Mosque Refuses To Bury Boston Bombing Suspect #1 Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Says Tsarnaev Was "Disruptive" During Services

A Boston-area mosque refuses to bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Suspect #1 in the attack on the Boston Marathon. His aunt, Patimat Suleimanova, said Monday that a mosque has refused to hold a funeral for her nephew, who died in a shootout with police after the events in Boston

Authorities informed the family that they may have Tamerlan Tsarnaev's body. Therefore, an uncle asked a mosque hold a burial and funeral but his request was declined, and the mosque is refusing to bury her nephew, said Suleimanova, Tsarnev's  aunt. She didn't know the mosque's name, but said her family did attend one.

Imam Talal Eid, representing the Islamic Institute of Boston, said to The Huffington Post, "There is no room for him as a Muslim, and that he "would not be willing to do a funeral for him. This is a person who deliberately killed people."

A mosque in Cambridge, Mass., has stated that Tsarnaev attended worship there, stating that he sometimes caused disruptions and that mosque leaders had previously threatened to kick him out.  A spokesman for the mosque,  which is run by the Islamic Society of Boston, told reporters the FBI has questioned some congregants.

Following the marathon bombing on Monday, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed early Friday after a shootout with police in Watertown, a suburb of Boston. His brother alleged accomplice, Dzhokhar, currently remains in the hospital.

Private funerals were held Tuesday for Sean Collier, the MIT security officer authorities say was killed in the altercation between the suspects and police, and for Martin Richard, the 8-year-old boy killed near the finish line. During the explosions at the Boston marathon, two other people and over 200 were injured.

Earlier today, nine days after the incident, authorities reopened the section of Boylston Street near the finish line in central Boston where the first bomb went off. People stopped in front of the fresh cement to pay their respects.

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