Maryland Sorority Girl E-mail Gets Attention Of Hollywood Actors Who Decide To Narrate The E-mail Themselves [VIDEO]

Maryland sorority girl e-mail that went viral last Thursday is not going away anytime soon on the internet because fans and actors are doing parodys of the e-mail themselves.

The Maryland sorority girl e-mail comes from a Delta Gamma sister who criticized her fellow sorority sisters for being "awkward," cheering for other sports teams and not doing what they are "supposed to do" during Greek Week on the campus.

In the e-mail, the now former officer of the sorority calls her fellow sisters f-ggots and continues to rant throughout the entire e-mail.

Read the Maryland sorority girl e-mail below:

That is only part of the vulgar letter from the Maryland sorority girl e-mail. The rest of the letter is read by Alison Haislip, former correspondent for "The Voice."

Haislip's narration of the e-mail is only one of many versions read throughout the internet. Many YouTube users have uploaded their version of acting out the e-mail. Even "Boardwalk Empire" star, Michael Shannon, give a rendition of the e-mail for "Funny or Die."

"In this Internet day and age, just assume that everything you put out into the ethers in writing is the equivalent of LiveJournals of yore," said Brenna Ehrlich, a senior editor at MTV and a CNN Tech contributor who has written about online etiquette. "Someone is going to read it and mock you. Proceed carefully."

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