Baby Sold On Facebook To Businessman In New Delhi, India By Child's Grandfather; He Told Mother Newborn Was Stillborn [VIDEO]

In New Delhi, India a case of child trafficking on Facebook was discovered.

A newborn baby was sold three consecutive times, ending with the baby's sale on Facebook. Initially, the child was sold in the Ludhinia hospital to a nurse for 45,000 Indian dollars. The deal was made by the child's own grandfather after he told the mother that the baby was ill and hadn't survived.

The nurse proceeded to sell the infant to a patient in the hospital profiting 300,000 Indian dollars. The final deal was arranged on Facebook to an Indian businessman for a sum of  800,000 dollars.

A police raid on the businessman's home Tuesday resulted in the child's recovery.  Police have since arrested five people involved in the deal, including the grandfather, the nurse, and other parties accused of enabling the sales.

The nurse is believed to be involved in multiple child trafficking scandals.

The baby boy was returned to the devastated mother alive and well.

The grandfather reportedly told interrogators that he wanted to arrange a second marriage for his daughter after her husband had deserted her.

A Police Officer at the scene said, "So he thought he should get rid of the child of her daughter from her first husband by selling him off."

Tens of thousands of children are trafficked each year out of India alone. 
This is, however, the first known instance of a social networking site being used to expedite such a deal in India.

But Facebook has been used as a tool to facilitate the sale of a child in the US. In March, Misty Van Horn, mother of two in Oklahoma, offered her ten-month and two year old children for sale on Facebook, and ended up behind bars.

Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook CEO, has not commented yet (and most likely won't) on the website's abuse, but it is clear that it should be better monitored. 

Watch the entire case be covered and see all of the evil parties involved.

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