Neil Diamond Donation: "Sweet Caroline" Royalties to Boston Charity After Marathon Bombings

Neil Diamond generously announced on Twitter that he will donate the royalties from this week's surge in sales of his song "Sweet Caroline" to a fund for victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.

"Donating these royalties to #OneFund," Diamond tweeted.

Diamond's song is regularly played in the 8th inning at Boston Red Sox games and became an unofficial anthem for the city after the Boston bombing on April 15. Sales of the single rose nearly 600 percent last week, to 19,000 copies, up from 2,800 the week before.

Last Saturday Mr. Diamond sang the 1969 hit "Sweet Caroline" at Fenway Park supporting the city at the first game post-Marathon bombings. Since the bombings, other pro-sports teams including the Red Sox's arch-rivals, the New York Yankees have played "Sweet Caroline" during games in solidarity with Boston's citizens.

He told Rolling Stone magazine he also working on new songs dedicated to Boston:

"I'm writing now and obviously affected by this situation in Boston, so I'm writing about it just to express myself," he told Rolling Stone. "It's like an infestation, and I'm writing about the general situation, not just about this bombing in Boston, but what we're going through with all of these tragedies - shootings and so on and so forth."

All money raised by the One Fund will go towards helping those people most affected by the tragedy. You can make your donation here.

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