Psy Rewrites History with Two Songs in Billboard Top 10

With less than two weeks since the official release of "Gentleman," Psy is running out of records to break.

Billboard announced this week that "Gentleman" has climbed up to the number 5 spot from its previous 12th spot. Now, Psy is the first Asian artist to have placed two songs in the Billboard top 10.

Another Asian artist who has not only broken the top 10 once but topped the Billboard chart is Kyu Sakamoto. The Japanese artist placed number one on Billboard with "Sukiyaki" back in 1963.

Prior to the release of Psy's second song, there were many voices doubting his success of his follow-up to mega hit "Gangnam Style." The concerns were not totally unreasonable as countless artists have jumped out of nowhere on their way to a crowning moment only to fade into the shadow they had appeared from. But as Psy has proven with the enormous popularity of "Gentleman"Psy that he is no one-hit wonder. Sophomore jinx has no bind on Psy.

Psy arrives in the United States on April 25 to begin his promotional tour. Starting on May 1, he will come on The Today Show in New York. If the last two weeks were any indication, Psy's popularity will only soar now that he is immersing himself in to the largest music market in the world.

Gangnam Style
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