Edward Norton Fight: Actor Snaps At Paparazzi 'Why Are You Stalking Me?' Before 'Attacking' the Amateur Snapper

Edward Norton fought an amateur photographer in midtown Manhattan, the New York Post reports. 

The 43-year-old "Fight Club" star, Edward Norton, was strolling along 57th street near seventh avenue around noon on Tuesday, when he was approached by a stranger carrying a camera phone at his side.

The man, Alain Becerra-Calderon, is a well known purveyor of YouTube Videos under the alias, Alain Bin Naim. Becerra-Calderon asked Norton, "I got a quick question: 'People say you look like me.' Is that true?"

Norton reportedly replied, "Why are you stalking me?" before shoving the camera away.

That's why Becerra-Calderon told police he was attacked, after getting his camera phone shoved away by the actor. The man then went to Beth Israel hospital where a doctor said he suffered a "tissue contusion" on his middle finger. The doctor who treated Becerra-Calderon said the squeamish publicity hound insisted on a splint to his finger because he was experiencing so much pain. That was the "Edward Norton fight," in its entirety. 

Ironically--probably--to the actor, the NYPD is investigating Norton for "harassment," a source said. 

Mr. Becerra-Calderon told the Post that his exchange with Norton was "very, very scary," and said the Academy Award nominated actor "needs to learn to control his temper... I asked if I could ask a question, and he grabbed my phone." He said his finger was bruised and the hospital even had to put a bandage on it. 

When the New York Post asked whether he would be pursuing any legal action, Becerra-Calderon replied, "I'm discussing that with my attorney."

Norton is a highly accomplished actor that's been nominated for an Academy Award in such films as Primal Fear and American History X. He's also starred in the adaptation of the Chuck Palahniuk novel, Fight Club, which is somewhat serendipitous considering his run-in with Becerra-Calderon.

In a 2008, the famously publicity-shy actor told Vogue "If I ever have to stop taking the subway, I'm gonna have a heart attack." Norton reportedly married Shuana Robertson in private before the birth of their son last month. 

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